Leaves of grass installation is a part of a group exhibition "Art to Demolition" produced by AWA Electro. It took place in the old factory building Phazotron NIIR, which had its glorious times in Soviet period, but now abandoned and soon going to be demolished. Until it happened artists were invited to create art in the building; All objects created at this exhibition will remain in the building and will be destroyed with it.
With the help of colleagues and friends we have built a sculpture worth 300 kilos of clay and planted seeds in it, which destroyed the object in the process of growing.
The destruction of an object carries the idea of one of the most important postulates of Buddhism - the idea of the impermanence of everything that exists. The sculpture was flourishing in the surroundings of a decaying factory for a month and was destroyed by time and life itself.
This project will turn into a short film, which is now in production.